Still Living For You

He unknowingly forced me to fall in love with him......I accepted him and we were totally in love..he used to make me feel so special..he used to meet me everyday..kiss me on my cheeks and say "Baby I love you". He loved me I loved him..We thought that we were the perfect couple! we fought, we laughed, we cried, we smiled, we hugged but fate changed everything..
We talked all day and all night until one day when he stopped calling me often he used to say he does not want to see me anymore then the next day he used to apologize and I used to forgive him then as days went by he even stopped wishing me in almost every occasion then one day he stopped contacting me he did not call I found his cell switched off I tried a million times to talk to him but I could not.
This is how One day my most loved one disappeared from my life. I wish he loved me like before, even now I wait for his one call, one text..I wait to hear his voice I want my phone to ring with his name on it my life is paused. Everything in my life is just still, it's like my life is filled with clouds with no hope for any sunshine anymore...every night tears pour from my eyes...Just like a colourfull rainbow shines after a heavy storm I wish my rainbow also shines after the storm inside my heart...still I am living in the hope that I will get him back one day..and hear him say "Baby I love you"
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