I'm Crying Inside...

Everyone was fighting... I ran and cried out loud in my pillow... I rarely do that... And so did my oldest brother... So Curt declared we going back to Wisconsin. It was a silent 18 hour drive back... I'm just going to fast forward to the second time we go back there... So Curt and mom went ahead of us while us three stayed back in Wisconsin. When we finally got to Colorado and met up with mom and curt we were all happy to see each other... But a few months later gotten worse... I had already started at a new school with a group of close friends. At first it didn't feel right... Like I didn't belong there... but I met this boy during a town fest-type thing and we hung out and he introduced me to a lot of new guys. So I didn't have a lot of girls as friends. So i started to date the boy. His name was Johnny. It was all going well till a week later... he dumped me... I was very hurt... The next day my mom did not wake me up for school she told me, "Well I didn't wanna wake you up after all that had happened to you. I can't believe he did that to you..."
But a few weeks later the whole "Family" was falling apart... My sister left to go to her boyfriends for the night and my brother was drinking... I was making him laugh, we were having such a good time until I went to go take a bath... His computer mouse wasn't working so he was slamming it against the wall... So Curt jumped on top of my brother and stated beating the shit out of him... I was screaming at him to stop and my mom tells me, "Shhh! It's okay Chey! They're just wrestling!" I couldn't believe she said that... I Screamed at her as they were still going at it. "That doesn't look like they're wrestling! CURT!!! STOP!!! PLEASE?!?!" I was screaming and crying. As my brother got up he went to back-hand Curt but he was an inch away from hitting me instead... My brother's face was horrible... He couldn't open his eyes. I run out of my apartment and continue crying on the couch outside. My next door neighbor Chis sees me and gets me in his house. "Are you okay?! I called the police right when I heard a girl screaming. Was that you?" I replied with a yes and tears were streaming down my face like crazy... He was comforting me and giving me some water and a gronola bar.
The cops came and after a little while of my brother yelling at the cops, they took both of them to the hospital. The cops asked,"Cheyenne... Do you feel safe to go home?" I looked at my mom who was standing there glaring at me. "Come on chey let's go back in the house and talk about it." mom said to me as I backed away. I looked at the cop and said, "No... But I can't say that cause she will yell at me and who knows what else..." Mom kept encouraging me to come into the house, so the cop told me to go back home... Curt came back, but my brother had to stay at ARK. And I'm now in Wisconsin with my dad and my uncle. I feel better here than there. What striked me the most I called mom yesterday and she told me she told Cris that I was back in Wisconsin... I feel bad cause Chris had told me," Chey... If you have any problem you can come to me. You know?" Just hearing him say that makes me wanna cry... And even just thinking about it... I'm going back to visit this summer and I'm going to make sure I see Chris! But there's more story behind this story as well... If you wish to hear the rest comment saying so...
Rizky Ramadhan
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